Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Joe's Crab Shack Crab Claw

Tool Classification: Nondestructive Tool

The Crab Claw was developed by Joe's Crab Shack as an alternative to the unwieldy set of pliers most seafood restaurants give diners to help them separate the crab meat from the shell.   I love this thing!  It's safe and has a soothing soft yellow color.
And when using the pliers-of-death, I usually wound up hurting myself more than the crab legs.

While working with this tool in its original capacity, I though that it would work equally well in separating my Lego plates.

Using the Tool:

This tool is softer than the ABS plastic used to create Lego bricks and plates, so you run little risk of causing damage.

Both ends of the crab claw have useful prying points.  But you may look at this and say "How am I going to get either end between anything? They're too thick."

Well, the answer lies Underneath!

When you have offset stacked plates this tool is great in popping the plates apart from the underside of the bricks.

Where Can I Get One?

This tool can be obtained from your local Joe's Crab Shack for the cost of a meal.  Many of these have "Stolen From Joe's Crab Shack" printed on the side, but don't feel guilty about taking it home.  They just throw them away.  And having said that. Don't try to get one for free by digging in the dumpsters. That's just rude.

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